The big day finally happened! by Debbie Herbert I attended the fabulous Southern Magic Reader's Luncheon in Birmingham, Alabama the day after my debut novel, Siren's Secret, was released by Harlequin Nocturne. Over 140 readers and writers attended the event. Since this was my first book signing, I had no idea what to expect. Me and fellow writer Lexi George, along with our friends Tammy Lynn and Fran Holland, went the night before. At dinner we met the Famous Barbara Vey of Beyond Her Book blog and the founders of Fresh Fiction, a delightful mother/daughter team that came in from Dallas. As if that wasn't heady enough, I sat across the table from Tavia Gilbert, the narrator for all of Jeanine Frost's books. I also became reacquainted with Laura Haydon, writer extraordinaire and founder of Author/Author book publishing. Still not the best part. The day of the signing started on an ominous note when I had trouble with my truck, but we all arrived on time. I sat at the table with the luncheon MC MV Freeman, a great writer, and some readers. I even spent about ten minutes talking with keynote writer/speaker Jeanine Frost - who is as sweet as she is talented. When my name was called I got on stage and told a bit about my book and was met with a nice round of applause. Fun! Still not the best part. As an author, we were all required to put together a basket as a door prize. Mine was a mermaid/ocean theme and I actually drew the name of someone I knew -- fellow Georgia Romance Writer Hilde McQueen. Congrats, Hildie! After lunch, I put up the fab, large posterboard of my book cover that Harlequin so kindly sent over. It was a big hit and I sold over a dozen books. Not bad for a newbie! Still not the best part. I checked my i-phone and discovered Siren's Secret was the #1 selling Harlequin Nocturne and had made the top 100 in Amazon's paranormal romance shape-shifters category. Thrilling, but still not the best part. After all was over and a handful of us authors were left, waiting to meet with Laura and get our book credits, my friend Tammy led me by the elbow to a table where a woman sat, her nose buried in my book. "She's already on page 36 of your book last time we checked," Tammy whispered. "She's been reading it non-stop." The reader (see above) was Nephartari Yancey -- I do so hope I spelled her name correctly! -- , sister of writer Naima Simone who will be next year's RWA Southern Magic President. The Best Part. I actually got a little choked up. Yes, it was fun to hob-knob with the industry hotshots and network with fellow authors and sign books. But there is nothing -- nothing! -- like seeing someone engrossed in a book you wrote. Someone that is not a friend or family member -- those close to us HAVE to like our book -- or at least pretend they do! The memory of that moment is helping me deal with new worries I didn't have while unpublished -- things likes sales numbers and reviews or lack thereof. Wishing every writer that same thrill of connecting with a reader -- over and over. Have you experienced meeting or hearing from a reader? What's been the most exciting moment of your writing career- published or not-yet published? Until next time, Debbie Herbert Visit my Amazon author's page : and like me on Facebook!!/pages/Debbie-Herbert-Author/151793451695632 Debbie Herbert Author 11/13/2013 01:50:58 am
WOW, Debbie!! I didn't know you'd already made the top 100 on Amazon! Although after reading Siren's Secret, I knew you had a great book and it would do well. I can only imagine the feeling of seeing someone truly enjoying your work. Sometimes when I finish a scene I'm pleased with, I imagine a reader laughing, or crying when they read it. What can I say, writers have active imaginations. :-) Maybe someday I'll be like you, and experience it in real life. 11/18/2013 01:06:58 pm
Thanks, Mia! You will get there too as hard as you are working. It makes the breakthrough that much sweeter when it happens. Comments are closed.